We at Strategas Management Consultants believe we offer a unique service. We like to think of it as a “try before you buy” service where we offer a commitment and cost free operational review of your business. We do this by spending some time with you and your staff and:-

a) looking at areas you feel require attention and;

b) focussing on areas we feel may need to be addressed based on decades of experience working for many different businesses in different sectors.

Some of the areas we like to cover in our reviews, include but not limited to the following:-

Cost Reduction Opportunities – may include changing products or using economies of scale and purchasing power to achieve better prices from suppliers, cutting waste in the company, changing working behaviours, imposing stricter travel and expense policies, looking at delegation of authorities;

Working Capital Optimisation – can we assist you to improve your working capital and have it working better for you and thereby incurring less interest with your banks, say by improving Debtor Days, Creditor Days, Inventory Levels, JIT processing etc. This ultimately leads to detailed daily cashflow forecasting for up to a rolling 3 month period, with multi-currency, multi-divisional breakdowns and enhanced utilisation of central treasury facilities;

Customer/Contract Profitability – are your contracts/customers as profitable as you believe them to be and which ones should be renegotiated or simply not renewed;

Strategic Reviews – is it a good time to expand your product range or services, export overseas, cross-sell to existing customers, make acquisitions, JV or a strategic alliance;

Reporting Reviews – let us see if we can improve your internal (flash reports, KPI reporting, cashflow forecasts, management accounts, etc) as well as external reporting (covenant reporting, board packs, etc);

MIS Reviews – could a different ERP or accounting system help you to run your business more efficiently;

Recruitment Solutions – are you achieving the best from your existing human capital costs.

If you would like to learn more about how Strategas Management Consultants can help your organisation flourish, become more efficient and ultimately more profitable in the 21st century please call or email us at strategas@thevcp.co.uk to submit a query and we will come back to you as soon as possible.

Have a question or want to arrange an appointment?

Interested in seeing what we can do for you? Email us at strategas@thevcp.co.uk and start the conversation. We would be very pleased to hear from you.